
Sciatica FAQs

One of the most common and painful conditions that affect people is sciatica. Many who have it have no idea what it is or what caused it. There are also various treatments out there available for sciatica, so you do not have to suffer any longer. We offer chiropractic treatment for sciatica here at A Family Practice & Wellness Center in Cartersville, GA.


What Is Sciatica?

When the sciatic nerve is compressed, a variety of painful and uncomfortable symptoms occur. Some of the symptoms experienced with sciatica include back pain, specifically in the lower back, leg pain, pain that radiates through your hips and down one or both legs, weakness, and numbness in the legs, and tingling sensations felt in the leg that worsens if you stand or sit for a long period of time. It is not easy to get comfortable in any position when dealing with sciatica.

What Causes Sciatica?

The sciatic nerve runs through the base of your spine. A shift in alignment in the vertebrae can result in the bones putting pressure on the nerves and ultimately causing pain. This can result from an injury, poor posture, or even repetitive activities. The sciatic nerve may run out of room if there is a herniated disc or a slipped disc. These are some of the root causes of sciatica.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help My Sciatica?

Our chiropractor will be able to evaluate your condition to determine the exact cause of your sciatica. Treatment options will vary depending on the cause of your condition. However, we will target the cause of your pain rather than just cover it up. Manual adjustments are commonly used to position your vertebrae off of the sciatic nerve. If misaligned vertebrae are the cause of your sciatica, you will feel relief almost immediately once this is done. However, a number of adjustments may be needed before your sciatica is resolved. The vertebrae will continue to be positioned to give the sciatic nerve more room. Your sciatica symptoms will begin to decrease as your body learns to support a new spinal alignment via exercises and better posture to help in making your core stronger.

Will Chiropractic Care Prevent My Condition from Returning?

There are no guarantees that you will never experience sciatica again. This is especially true if your sciatica occurred from an injury or unexpected accident. However, your risk of sciatica is greatly reduced when you receive chiropractic care. 

Schedule Your Appointment Today

We offer consultations here at A Family Practice & Wellness Center to help get you on track to a healthy, pain-free life. Give us a call to schedule your appointment today. We are located in Cartersville, GA.

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  • ""Thank you again for helping me heal, teaching me to manage my condition and getting my life back!""
    - Candace L. Westfall, Cartersville, GA
  • "I have suffered with neck pain for over a year. My doctor had tried everything to help me with no relief. As a last resort before having surgery I started coming to A Family Practice & Wellness Center. They have been a God send to me. My pain level is almost nonexistent. The Doctors and staff are so friendly and helpful. I am so satisfied with my patient care and recommend them to everyone I know!"
    K. Weathers
  • "I have suffered with neck pain for over a year. My doctor had tried everything to help me with no relief. As a last resort before having surgery I started coming to A Family Practice & Wellness Center. They have been a God send to me. My pain level is almost nonexistent. The Doctors and staff are so friendly and helpful. I am so satisfied with my patient care and recommend them to everyone I know!"
    K. Weathers