
Physical Therapy

Combining Physical Therapy with Chiropractic Care in Cartersville, GA

Visiting a chiropractor can provide several benefits, especially when combined with other types of treatment, like physical therapy. Using these two powerhouses together can dig deeply into the root cause of various issues and provide patients with more complete results. The team at A Family Practice & Wellness Center shares how below.


Chiropractic Care

Our chiropractor focuses on the health of the entire neuromusculoskeletal system. This attention to detail includes everything from the spine to the nerves, muscles, ligaments, and tendons connected to the spine. Adjustments, spinal decompression, and other treatments address alignment issues that could cause pain, damage to soft tissues, limited movement, and similar problems.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy also addresses the neuromusculoskeletal system by focusing on the soft tissues through various methods. These can include the following and more:

  • Therapeutic massage
  • Targeted stretches and exercises for muscular rehabilitation
  • Changes in diet and nutrition
  • Heat therapy
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Electrical muscle stimulation

How They Work Together

The specifics of these combined forces depend on the issue you face. These treatments need to be customized to your own body and lifestyle. Imagine, though, that you are experiencing chronic neck and back pain.

Visiting our Family Practice & Wellness Center to uncover this pain is due to muscle and nerve compression throughout the spinal column. This pain occurred from sitting for long periods at work with poor posture. Your treatment plan could include the following combination of methods.

  • Spinal Adjustments and Decompression - These will help address alignment and relieve pressure on the muscles, nerves, ligaments, and tendons in the back and neck.
  • Therapeutic Massage and Heat Therapy - These methods will help relieve tension and flow blood to damaged areas.
  • Stretches and Exercises - They can target damaged or weakened areas, strengthen your core, and help you build and maintain proper posture.
  • Nutritional Guidance - It can help you drop any excess weight to take unnecessary pressure off the spine. It can also help you obtain the necessary vitamins and nutrients to support a healthy spine.

These combinations exemplify how chiropractic care and physical therapy can work together for enhanced health and healing.

Experience the Combination of Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Care

Don’t take our word. Experience the power of these treatments for yourself at A Family Practice & Wellness Center. Call (770) 386-5262 to schedule an appointment with our team today. We can answer questions about our holistic methods.

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A Family Practice & Wellness Center


9:00 am-6:00 pm


12:30 pm-6:30 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


12:30 pm-6:30 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm






Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • ""Thank you again for helping me heal, teaching me to manage my condition and getting my life back!""
    - Candace L. Westfall, Cartersville, GA
  • "I have suffered with neck pain for over a year. My doctor had tried everything to help me with no relief. As a last resort before having surgery I started coming to A Family Practice & Wellness Center. They have been a God send to me. My pain level is almost nonexistent. The Doctors and staff are so friendly and helpful. I am so satisfied with my patient care and recommend them to everyone I know!"
    K. Weathers
  • "I have suffered with neck pain for over a year. My doctor had tried everything to help me with no relief. As a last resort before having surgery I started coming to A Family Practice & Wellness Center. They have been a God send to me. My pain level is almost nonexistent. The Doctors and staff are so friendly and helpful. I am so satisfied with my patient care and recommend them to everyone I know!"
    K. Weathers