
Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common ailment that many people suffer from. Your neck can hurt from sitting at the computer for too long or staring at your phone. It can also get injured from trauma like car accidents. Neck pain often becomes debilitating, as you lose your range of motion. It is important to get neck pain treated as soon as possible so your condition does not worsen or cause other health complications. At A Family Practice & Wellness Center in Cartersville, GA, our chiropractor provides all-natural treatment methods for neck pain and other ailments. We will help you return to a healthy, pain-free life.


Causes of Neck Pain

How we sit, stand, work, use tools, and live our everyday lives can cause pain. This is referred as our ergonomics. Poor ergonomics often leads to neck pain. Workplace ergonomics, for example, refers to how you sit in your chair at your desk and look at your computer or other screens. If you have poor posture and sit slouched with your shoulders hunched, this can damage your neck. Craning your neck to stare at a phone has the same effect.

Overuse of your neck muscles causes them to strain and become tight and sore. When you use poor posture every day, your neck will begin to ache.

Another cause of neck pain is trauma. Sports injuries, personal injuries, and auto accident injuries can all cause neck pain. One of the most common injuries is whiplash. This occurs when your neck snaps backward and forward quickly. Whiplash damages the tendons, ligaments, and muscles in the neck. Severe neck pain causes stiffness, nausea, dizziness, and more. It can also lead to back and shoulder pain.

Whether your neck pain develops over time or is from an injury, it is vital to get it treated.

Diagnosing Neck Pain

When you visit our chiropractor for neck pain, we will ask questions about your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle. Our chiropractor will also perform a physical exam to look for the root cause of your pain. We will detect any underlying conditions that are contributing to your pain. It is important to find the cause of your pain, as this will determine what treatment you need. After a proper diagnosis, our chiropractor will formulate a personalized treatment plan for you and your condition.

Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain

Your treatment plan may include a combination of techniques that are best suited to your condition. The methods we provide complement each other so you can get the full benefits of our treatments. Our chiropractor often uses adjustments to alleviate neck pain. Realigning the spine and neck will alleviate and tension and pressure on the joints and muscles. A properly aligned spine is vital for healing.

If the soft tissues in your neck are damaged, our chiropractor will suggest massage therapy, dry needling, muscle stimulation, or more. These methods work to break up muscle knots and alleviate tension. They will improve blood flow and reduce inflammation, which promotes natural healing in the body.

We also offer physical therapy. Stretching and strengthening your neck will improve your range of motion and speed up your recovery. This will also reduce your chances of future injuries or recurring pain. Physical therapy might also include ultrasound therapy, moist heat therapy, and more. The goal is to rehabilitate your body and help you reach overall wellness.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractor in Cartersville, GA for Neck Pain Relief

If you are experiencing symptoms of neck pain, you don’t have to continue suffering. We can help. Do not wait to seek treatment, as your condition could worsen. At A Family Practice & Wellness Center in Cartersville, GA, our chiropractor provides personalized care to meet the needs of each patient. We will find the right treatment methods to alleviate your neck pain and help your body heal. Our team is happy to answer any questions you have. Call us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more.

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A Family Practice & Wellness Center


9:00 am-6:00 pm


12:30 pm-6:30 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


12:30 pm-6:30 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm






Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • ""Thank you again for helping me heal, teaching me to manage my condition and getting my life back!""
    - Candace L. Westfall, Cartersville, GA
  • "I have suffered with neck pain for over a year. My doctor had tried everything to help me with no relief. As a last resort before having surgery I started coming to A Family Practice & Wellness Center. They have been a God send to me. My pain level is almost nonexistent. The Doctors and staff are so friendly and helpful. I am so satisfied with my patient care and recommend them to everyone I know!"
    K. Weathers
  • "I have suffered with neck pain for over a year. My doctor had tried everything to help me with no relief. As a last resort before having surgery I started coming to A Family Practice & Wellness Center. They have been a God send to me. My pain level is almost nonexistent. The Doctors and staff are so friendly and helpful. I am so satisfied with my patient care and recommend them to everyone I know!"
    K. Weathers