
Lower back pain FAQs

Nearly everyone experiences lower back pain at some time during their life. This type of pain is a common symptom caused by various factors, commonly affecting those between 30 to 50. Everything from aging to sedentary lifestyles can impact lower back pain symptoms. Our chiropractors at A Family Practice & Wellness Center in Cartersville will provide relief from your back pain through natural and effective chiropractic care. Let’s look at some of the questions that we run into regarding lower back pain.


What Causes Lower Back Pain?

Low back pain occurring in the lumbar region of the spine can disrupt your everyday routine. Common causes of lower back pain include injuries or conditions, such as joint irritation or muscle sprain. Some common incidents that can cause lower back pain include improper lifting of something heavy, sudden jerking movements, auto accidents, prolonged sitting, and sleeping in the wrong position. Furthermore, a herniated disc or a compression fracture can result in lower back pain.

What Are the Symptoms of Lower Back Pain?

Back pain can be felt throughout the entire back or in specific areas, such as the lower back. Symptoms of lower back pain can range from muscle tingling to sharp shooting pain or a burning or stabbing sensation. With lower back pain, it is not uncommon to feel the pain radiate down the leg or worsen when moving, such as twisting, bending, lifting, standing, or walking.

If you continue to experience lower back pain or it starts interfering with your everyday routine, it is time to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor. Other signs you might need to see a chiropractor include if the pain persists for a few weeks, does not improve with rest, causes weakness or numbness in the legs, or is accompanied by unexplained weight loss.

How Can a Chiropractor Help with My Lower Back Pain?

Chiropractors can help with lower back pain by providing non-invasive, non-addictive pain management alternatives to traditional medical care. Chiropractic care for lower back pain involves various techniques, including massage therapy, physical therapy, acupuncture, and spinal manipulation. Your chiropractor will conduct a thorough physical evaluation, determine the root cause of the pain, and develop a pain management plan designed to target the cause and not just the symptoms.

Schedule an Appointment with a Chiropractor in Cartersville, GA

Our chiropractic care team at A Family Practice & Wellness Center in Cartersville is dedicated to helping our patients find relief from whatever is ailing them. Our chiropractors are here to help get you on a treatment plan designed for pain relief and to support the healing process. Call our team today at (770) 386-5262 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.

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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • ""Thank you again for helping me heal, teaching me to manage my condition and getting my life back!""
    - Candace L. Westfall, Cartersville, GA
  • "I have suffered with neck pain for over a year. My doctor had tried everything to help me with no relief. As a last resort before having surgery I started coming to A Family Practice & Wellness Center. They have been a God send to me. My pain level is almost nonexistent. The Doctors and staff are so friendly and helpful. I am so satisfied with my patient care and recommend them to everyone I know!"
    K. Weathers
  • "I have suffered with neck pain for over a year. My doctor had tried everything to help me with no relief. As a last resort before having surgery I started coming to A Family Practice & Wellness Center. They have been a God send to me. My pain level is almost nonexistent. The Doctors and staff are so friendly and helpful. I am so satisfied with my patient care and recommend them to everyone I know!"
    K. Weathers